Right now, many teams are starting to wonder: What’s next? Where do we go from here?
While no one can predict exactly when or how people will start returning to offices, it’s clear that business as usual will be impossible. Communication norms will have shifted, silos will have sprung up, and many employees will be coping with loss. Leaders need to start developing a clear plan for how they will support their people during what might be a bumpy transition.We’re here to help. Join us for a live webinar this Thursday, May 7th at 9am PT with Humu CEO and co-founder Laszlo Bock and Humu People Scientist Dr. Stefanie Tignor.
Laszlo and Stefanie will discuss tactical tips for reuniting teams, top challenges employees will face and how to address them, and how to allow space for lower productivity but higher innovation.
[RSVP for the webinar here]
Laszlo and Stefanie will be taking questions toward the end of the webinar, so come prepared with a few topics you’d like to discuss!
P.S. Looking for more ways to support your people? Learn about how our Organizational Resilience solution empowers teams to build resilience and helps leaders ensure business continuity.